Single name puzzles

One name gifts

Wooden gifts

The one name puzzle is a personalized gift which comes from the heart. Give it to someone special for his/her special event. Surprise everyone you care about and give them this wooden gift. The puzzle itself is handmade from pine wood. It is polished and sanded by hand to look amazing in every home.

Company name puzzles

Company name puzzles

Business gifts

Surprise your colleagues at the office with this personalized gift idea. This is a wooden puzzle which has been handmade from pine wood. The puzzle is carefully done by hand and has been sanded and polished. Have your company’s name handmade and surprise your friends at the office. You can team up with your colleagues and give this present to your boss.

Family name puzzles


Wooden presents

If you want to show your family how much you love them then look at the family name puzzle. The gift is personalized and will make everyone smile. The gift itself is handmade from pine wood and it is polished. You can also add a personalized message which will be engraved with a laser on a metal band. The metal band will be applied to the puzzle and will make it more special.

Two name wooden puzzles

Two name puzzles

Wooden gift ideas

Have a two name puzzle of your friends or family’s names handmade from pine wood and surprise them. The gifts are perfect for every occasion and for every age and gender. Surprise the people you love and make them feel special. The gifts are handmade from pine wood and are polished.

Wedding gifts

Wedding gifts

Wooden puzzles

Surprise the bride and groom with this special gift which will be treasured forever. The gift is personalized with the initials of the bride and groom. You can add a personalized message which will be engraved with a laser and put on a metal band. The metal band will be applied to the puzzle and make it even more personalized.

Name2puzzle gifts


Amazing wooden works

The wooden gifts are very wide spread and many people want to buy them for their friends and family. Check out the one name puzzles, the two name puzzles, the family and company name puzzles. If you like the pen holders they are an amazing gift too and you can find them here too.
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Initials puzzles

Initials puzzles

Wooden gift ideas

The initials puzzles are a gift which is handmade from pine wood. It is specially handmade from pine wood and it is sanded and polished to look amazing in every house. This gift is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries and other special events. You can make everyone feel special.

Anniversary puzzles


Wooden puzzles

Make someone you love feel special for his/her big day. The anniversary is a really special event and you have to bring a very special gift. Look at this anniversary puzzle gift. It is personalized and it is handmade from pine wood. It is polished to look amazing in every home.

Wooden gift ideas for a personalized gift

Wooden gifts

Wooden puzzles

Have a special message handmade from pine wood and surprise someone for his/her special day. You can make everyone’s special event even more special. This wooden gift is sanded and polished with olive oil in the end which makes it look amazing among your furniture. Make the people you love smile with this special wooden puzzle.

Name puzzles

One name puzzles

Wooden gifts

This will make an amazing gift for everyone you love. The idea behind the gift is that it is personalized with the name of the person you wish to surprise. The gift is perfect for every occasion. The puzzle is wooden and handmade from pine wood. It is perfectly polished to shine in his/her home.

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