Pencil holders for everyone

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Wooden accessories

Surprise everyone at your company with the pen holders. They have the initials of the people you wish to surprise. They look amazing and are very useful because everyone can keep their pens and pencils there. The pen and pencil holders will look amazing on every desk in the company.

Monogrammed soap

What a thoughtful gift for so many on your list this year! These soaps are scented and beautifully carved with the name of your choice. Available in gift boxed sets of 3 in your choice of Pale Pink with Satsuma scent, Pale Green with Green Tea & Bergamot scent, etc.

Anniversary gift puzzles


Wooden gifts

Surprise someone you love for his/her anniversary. The day will be more special with your personalized wooden gift. The puzzle is handmade from pine wood and it is polished which makes it the perfect gift. The puzzle will look amazing in every home.

Amazing initials gifts

Initials puzzles

Wooden gifts

Have the initials of the people you love handmade from pine wood. Surprise everyone for their special day and make them smile. This is the most amazing gift because it is personalized. The puzzle is polished which makes it the perfect decoration for every home. The puzzle is perfect for little ones and for big ones.

Amazing gifts

Gifts are a wonderful way to tell someone how much we care for them. With the help of these, we can convey our innermost feelings to the recipient when words fail. But, choosing a gift for your loved ones which they will appreciate is surely not an easy task. See more about this gift here:

Different name puzzles

Name puzzles

Wooden gifts

With the other name puzzles you have the freedom of ordering a whole sentence which will be handmade from pine wood. You can have a one word or a whole sentence it is up to you. The puzzle will be carefully made and finished with olive oil. Surprise the people you love for their special day.

Personalized necklaces


Personalized Silver Infinity Necklace – Sterling Silver Sideways Infinity Pendant . Two Initials . Monogram Necklace . Gift for Mom, Mother

More in the source site:

Pen and pencil holders

wooden pen holder 01

Pen holders

A pen and pencil holder is always the perfect gift for a business gift. This pen and pencil holder will look amazing on every desk and every table in the boss’ office. Surprise him/her or your colleagues with this personalized pen holder. They are made from pine wood and are polished.

Wedding pen holder

Wedding pen holder

Wooden desk gift

This is the perfect gift for every wedding. You will put a smile on the bride and groom’s faces with this personalized present. This wedding pen holder is the most personalized gift ever. Get the initials of the bride and the groom handmade from pine wood and surprise them.
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Cool necklace


Personalized Mothers Jewelry Necklace, FAMILY Tree Necklace, 3 GOLD BIRDS Initials Children Mom Baby Shower Gifts for Mom Birthday. See more about this in the source site below.

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