Family name puzzle gifts


Amazing gifts

The family is the most important thing in the world and you should pick very careful the perfect gift for them. The family name puzzle is an amazing gift which is personalized. Your family’s name will be carved by hand from white pine wood and will be polished to make it perfect.

Anniversary puzzle gifts


Wooden gifts

These gift puzzles are a great gesture of love and respect. Give this amazing gift to your families and friends. Celebrate the special days in your love with this amazing gift. The puzzle is handmade from pine wood and is polished to look absolutely amazing.

Two name puzzles

Two name puzzles

Wooden puzzles

You can surprise a friend by having your name and his/her name handcrafted from pine wood and joined together. This present will be a symbol for your friendship and love. You can give this amazing gift for every occasion because it is personalized. The gift looks great in every home because it has been polished with olive oil.

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