Wooden gift ideas

Wooden gifts

Amazing gifts

The name puzzles are an amazing gift for every occasion. They are personalized and they are perfect for mom, dad, sister, brother, friends and even colleagues. You can also order it for yourself. Just pick out what special message you want and it will be handmade for you from pine wood. It will be then nicely polished and shipped to your country.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/name.2.puzzle/photos/pb.417878388289000.-2207520000.1435325199./852810894795745/?type=3&theater

Wooden one name personalized puzzles

One name puzzles

Wooden name puzzle

The single name puzzles are custom made only for you and your loved ones. Surprise everyone you love with the wooden puzzles. They are personalized and are amazing for everyone and for every occasion. They are handmade only by order.
Find out more here: https://www.facebook.com/name.2.puzzle/photos/pb.417878388289000.-2207520000.1432283920./816535918423243/?type=3&theater

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